Watch the NGI Open Calls Webinars online

The Next Generation Internet initiative has hosted several webinars recently on its Open Calls. These NGI webinars can now all be viewed online via the NGI YouTube channel and by clicking on the individual links below.

The NGI webinars provide helpful information about the various current NGI open calls. They explain how to apply, answer technical questions and address matters of eligibility. We also hosted three NGI National Webinars in community languages – Italian, Spanish and English. The NGI webinars have proven very popular, with up to 100 attendees per webinar.

Click the links below for more information and to watch the NGI Open Calls webinars on:

Ledger Open Call Webinar 1: This webinar outlines the Ledger Open Call, which is looking for innovators in distributed ledger technology preserve citizens’ digital sovereignty.

Ledger Open call Webinar 2: This webinar took a more technical approach to the Ledger Open Call, answering tech questions and addressing eligibility criteria as well as how to apply.

NGI National Webinar: Spain: The NGI National Webinars Series provided information about the NGI Open Calls, application process and eligibility in the community language. This one was conducted in Spanish.

NGI National Webinar: Ireland: The NGI National Webinars Series provided information about the NGI Open Calls, application process and eligibility in the community language. This one was conducted in English.

NGI National Webinar: Italy: The The NGI National Webinars Series provided information about the NGI Open Calls, application process and eligibility in the community language. This one was conducted in Italian.

NGI Trust Webinar: The NGI_Trust webinar outlined the NGI Trust open call with up to 200,00 euros in funding available.

The next NGI Webinar will be held tomorrow, Wednesday 27 March 2019 at 14.00 CET: NGI Data Mapping – don’t miss it!

NGI Data Mapping Webinar


Want to see more NGI Videos? Watch our latest NGI Funding and Future of NGI video.

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