Blockchain My Art

Country: France


Blockchain My Art (BMA) is a fair and transparent payment service, coming with a  powerful communication tool in one unique solution based on blockchain technology (Ethereum) and mostly dedicated to cultural organisations. The implementation of this solution offers security and trust in each transaction for the involved parties.

Our project is based on a simple belief: our ways of consuming matter. The most trivial purchase has an impact on the economic conditions of several actors. The same goes for any economic field, including the cultural sector.

The visitor of a cultural event consumes on the spot, thus interacting indirectly with the artists he/she has come to see, as well as with all the professionals making this event happen. This is where Blockchain My Art jumps in, by making this relation transparent and interactive, giving the visitor a clear picture of the way his/her money is being split among the beneficiaries.

For every product sold using our system, the value of each purchase (tickets, drinks, food, etc.) can be directly and immediately split and sent to defined actors (potentially any contributor from the value chain: suppliers, contractors, artists, volunteers, local associations, etc.), using so-called smart contracts.

All these transactions and distribution keys are visible to all, at any time on dynamic displays present at the event as well as on our downloadable application.

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